Main page Medium Poppers AMSTERDAM medium
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9.90 EUR

incl. VAT.

Content: 15 ml
Isopropyl Nitrite - CAS 541-42-4
Isopropanol - CAS 67-63-0

Amsterdam Poppers is for sure one of the top 3 of our favorite brands and it goes without saying this new medium poppers is one of the best we could test. With its ultra strong propyl nitrite, the Amsterdam Poppers will boost your sex lust make you ready for hot action!

Open the bottle and let its exciting aroma fill the room, the formula with a new propyl molecule has been stabilized three times to provide you with the best and most satisfying effects. Amsterdam Poppers are super famous for their strength and relaxing effects, making anal sex better, less painful and creating explosive orgasms!

The Amsterdam Poppers is a legend in the world of night life, creating sexual energy and making enabling incredible sessions whether in the bedroom or at the club! Get ready to party all night long by opening the bottle and letting ints erotic scent fill the room - you'll soon be in the best of moods and eager to get down to business!

Product details:
✓ 15 ml medium poppers bottle
✓ Extra strong propyl nitrite
✓ Practical medium bottle
✓ Stabilized formula for long-lasting effects
✓ Great, intense sensations
✓ Stays fresh longer
✓ Security cap that prevents leaks and evaporation

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